EIA Study for QPMC Gabbro Stockyard Facility

EIA Study for QPMC Gabbro Stockyard Facility
EIA Study for QPMC Gabbro Stockyard Facility



Project start: 2014

Project Completion: 2015


Client: Qatar Primary Materials Company




Qatar Primary Materials Company (QPMC) handles Gabbro and associated material import, transportation,  management at port and storage yard, and its distribution. Considering the increasing demand of  construction materials, QPMC planned to expand its Gabbro storage yard facility and install elevated conveyer system for material transfer from port to yard through in place of haulage through trucks.  

QPMC through its main contractor SIXCO appointed the Environment Division  to carry out complete environmental permitting process, including the scoping study, baseline environmental monitoring including marine monitoring and simulation study on air pollutant dispersion and resulting quality and its impact at the  EIA study to obtain Environmental Permit from MME.

By modifying the material transfer system the management foresees enhanced operational efficiencies at the port with the existing 4 Hyundai gantry cranes and 2 Kranbau cranes all with 50 T handling capacity.  In addition the proposed elevated conveyer system to transfer  material from port to yard would also result in improving the environmental quality of the area along the project area by lowering the dust level from transfer operations.

The EIA study included extensive monitoring of ambient air quality over an expansive area considered along terrestrial and marine ecology surveys to understand the baseline and impact scenario. Extensive socio economic and health impact survey had also been carried out to understand the influence of dust generation from the referred activities and health impacts at the study area. The study highlighted the advantages of wind curtains and hardened internal roads in lowering dust impacts.